
Gesualdo – Strange Harmony of Hate
Can a sadistic murderer be a composer of genius?

Madrigals by Gesualdo, Marenzio, D’India, Monteverdi, de Wert and Luzzaschi
Performers: 5-6 singers and forensic psychiatrist Dr Ruth McAllister

The Caged Byrd
Music of William Byrd (c.1575-1607) associated with the persecution of Catholics during the reign of Elizabeth I and James I

Performers: 6 singers

St Mark's

Christmas Vespers in Venice (c.1630)
Magnificent ceremonial music by the greatest composers of early Baroque Venice

including psalms and motets by Monteverdi, Gabrieli and Grandi
Performers: 9 singers, 2 violins, 8 early brass, 2 organs, 2 theorbos


Cries from the Heart
Italian Renaissance + 20th century classics

including Monteverdi madrigals, Poulenc Sept chansons and Berio’s cries of london
Performers: 8 singers


Death, Dance and Salad (Muerte, Danza y Ensalada)
Music of the Spanish Renaissance courts

including a staged performance of Mateo Da Flecha’s ‘El Fuego’ or ‘La justa’
Performers: 4 singers, vihuela or lute + harp (6 in total)

Masked commedia dell’arte madrigal comedy by Vecchi

Performers: 5 singers, 3 masked actors, lute, harpsichord + basic lighting

Monteverdi – Madrigal into Opera
How the powerful late madrigal style fed Monteverdi’s early dramatic writing

Mannerist madrigals by Monteverdi, Rore, Wert and Gesualdo; Monteverdi – Il ballo dell’Ingrate, Orfeo (messenger scene)
Performers: 7-8 singers, 5 strings, organ, theorbo, harp, harpsichord


Tallis in Wonderland
An aural fantasy

Music by Josquin, Gombert, Manchicourt, Tallis, Byrd, Gesualdo, Rore, Palestrina and Monteverdi
Performers: 6 singers, 8 medium loudspeakers, 24 smaller loudspeakers + lighting, if available.

More programmes

All the King’s Men
Intimate music from Renaissance courts

including music by Janequin, Flecha, Rore, Marenzio, Monteverdi, Tomkins, Byrd
Performers: 4 to 5 singers

Gesualdo – Strange Harmony of Hate
Can a sadistic murderer be a composer of genius?

Madrigals by Gesualdo, Marenzio, D’India, Monteverdi, de Wert and Luzzaschi
Performers: 5-6 singers and forensic psychiatrist Dr Ruth McAllister


The Music of the Spheres
An adventure in sound (best in a resonant building)

including music by Josquin, Tallis, Gombert, Sheppard, Hildegard, Martland
Performers: 8 singers


Songs from the Street
Music inspired by the street

including music by Gibbons, Dering, Janequin, Croce, Berio
Performers: 8 singers + optional consort of viols


Thirty Years War
Sacred music from the time of this great conflict

including music by Schütz, Schein and Scheidt
Performers: 6 singers, 2 violins, organ and theorbo

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