Richard Boothby (Bass violin), Richard Wyn Roberts, William Purefoy, Clare Wilkinson, Matthew Venner
Once again, this recording project was only possibly because of the support of many individuals and trusts who gave money through the I Fagiolini Charitable Trust. Their names are listed in the CD booklet.
I Fagiolini runs a Friends scheme to support the group’s many projects. The Friends’ contribution to the recording was crucial to the success of this venture. If you love this music and you’d like to know a little more about how I Fagiolini works (perhaps coming to a rehearsal and seeing such projects put together), please download the Friends brochure or ask for one by post. In the current climate, I Fagiolini needs every friend it can get – they are now a really important part of the organisation.
They even kindly supplied the performers with tea and cake at recording sessions – three of the volunteers have written about their memories of the experience here.
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